Strengthening Strategic Partnerships: Analysing India's 2+2 Dialogues with the USA, Japan, Australia, and Russia

August 05, 2024

This Issue Brief provides a comprehensive examination of India's 2+2 Dialogues with key global partners, including the USA, Japan, Australia, Russia, and the UK, emphasizing the strategic importance of these engagements. Extending the analysis to India's partnerships with France, South Korea, Brazil, and Indonesia, the study evaluates the multifaceted impact on India's foreign policy.

MLM: Qasim Gujjar: Lashkar-e-Taiba Militant Behind Attacks in Kashmir Designated as Terrorist by India

August 02, 2024

Executive Summary: On March 7, India’s Ministry of Home Affairs designated 41-year-old Kashmiri militant Mohammad Qasim Gujjar as a terrorist. Gujjar has been involved in multiple high-profile attacks, financed and supplied arms to terrorists, and is a major recruiter for the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba. Gujjar has been especially effective at radicalizing relatives of deceased militants.


Sweltering Struggles: Navigating India's Heatwave Health Risks

Every summer, news of people dying due to the scorching rays of the unforgiving sun circulates in popular media. Though the size of the published articles keeps decreasing in width and breadth as the season goes by, do not mistake its miniature manifestations as a sign of reduced importance. Instead, it is a sign of India's growing complacency with the extreme climatic conditions, also more fondly known as 'Summer.'


The Crossroads: Kashmir—India's Bridge to Xinjiang

[Review by Dr Mahesh Ranjan Debata, (June 20, 2024): Historically, culturally and emotionally, Kashmir and Xinjiang have been intertwined for the past 2,000 years. Until 1949, Xinjiang was India's overland trade route to Central Asia and beyond. Even today, a significant portion of the "undivided Jammu and Kashmir," currently occupied by Pakistan and China, maintains connections to Xinjiang in various forms.