Pakistan’s Quest for Air Superiority Falters

The US Congress has recently taken a decision that inadvertently worked in favour of India. In an intrepid foreign policy decision, the Congress came down heavily on the offer made by Obama adminstration to Pakistan for sale of the state-of-art, all weather, and multi-role fighter defence equipment and refused to utilise American taxpayers’ money to fund the eight fighter jets to Pakistan.


Mongolia’s Climate Journey

On April 22, Earth Day, with other 129 countries Mongolia is expected to sign the Paris Climate Change Agreement, which was adopted at COP 21 at Paris last December, at New York. While Mongolia, being the largest landlocked country with development constraints, emits a minuscule of greenhouse gases (GHG), 25 percent of Mongolians are facing severe climate impacts. Among nearly 2.8 million total populations, more than 225,000 or 41% of the total herder population have been suffering from hostile weather conditions, including more than 28,000 children below the age of five.


"Kashmir Jihadism and Threat to India" Terrorism Monitor

It is increasingly evident that each time the relations between India and Pakistan improve, India-focused jihadist groups from across the Pakistani border attempt to disrupt it with attacks in the Indian states of Kashmir, Punjab, and elsewhere. The inevitable aim of these is to upset the possibility of amicable dialogue between these two populous and nuclear-armed nations. 


SPECIAL REPORT - Indian Defence Budget 2016-17: A Curtain Raiser

  • Defence budget cannot be stretched beyond a point, which means Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has a tough choice for resources deployment.
  • Reducing revenue expenses and more spending for capital purchases pose the biggest challenge for Indian MoD
  • National defence budget is all about ‘revenue’ side of armed forces and their ‘capital’ requirements. But, is India spending adequately on defence R&D?
  • National Defence Budget must be reasonably used to get maximum value for the state and its preparedness.
February 2016

Apocalyptic Terror: Chemical and Biological Dimensions of Jihadi Terrorism

The threat of chemical and biological terrorism emanating from non-state actors, including the Islamic Jihadi organisations, which control large swathes of territories and resources, remains a major concern for nation states today. Over the years, the capability and intentions of Islamic jihadist groups have changed. They evidently prefer for more destructive and spectacular methods. This can be very well argued that if these weapons systems, materials or technologies were made available to them, they probably would use it against their enemy to maximize the impact and fear factor.

February 2016

"Chemical Biological Dimensions of Jihadi Terrorism", (Chapter Author: Animesh Roul)

SSPC's Animesh Roul published a paper on 'Chemical and Biological Dimensions of Jihadi Terrorism', in Namrata Goswami (ed) "INDIA’S APPROACH TO ASIA Strategy, Geopolitics and Responsibility", IDSA/ Pentagon Press, 2016.

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