The Crossroads: Kashmir—India's Bridge to Xinjiang

[Review by Dr Mahesh Ranjan Debata, (June 20, 2024): Historically, culturally and emotionally, Kashmir and Xinjiang have been intertwined for the past 2,000 years. Until 1949, Xinjiang was India's overland trade route to Central Asia and beyond. Even today, a significant portion of the "undivided Jammu and Kashmir," currently occupied by Pakistan and China, maintains connections to Xinjiang in various forms.

China Tightens Noose on Uyghurs' Faith in Xinjiang Region

The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China is in the news again. In the fourth week of December last year (2023), Chinese authorities in the strategic northwestern region of Xinjiang brought about a set of new Chinese rules, norms and regulations on religious affairs. These measures, duly approved by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang on  December 22, have subsequently come into effect on  February 1, 2024.


'India Out' vs 'Boycott Maldives': Tourism as an Instrument of Power

No one would have wildly imagined that a few stunning pictures of a coastal island could trigger cascading diplomatic short-fuse between two asymmetrical neighbouring countries. The truth is that both governments and social media of India and Maldives have been engaged in a severe tug of words and diplomatic row respectively for whose coastlines are better after the Indian Prime Minister visited the Indian archipelago Lakshadweep and shared a series of scenic pictures on January 4. Was it a calculated strategic move by India to expose the months-old pro-China government in Maldives?


Targeted and Forgotten: The Hazara Shia Community's Struggle in Afghanistan

May 26, 2023

The Hazara Shia community has endured widespread discrimination and systematic sectarian violence since the establishment of modern Afghanistan in 1747. A long history of persecution endured by the Hazara community and their status as a vulnerable ethnic group over centuries in Afghanistan is now part of Central Asia’s folklore. The Hazaras have suffered from centuries of discrimination, violence, and systemic oppression, ranging from historical atrocities under the rule of Amir Abdul Rahman to targeted attacks by the Taliban and the Islamic State of Khorasan Province.

India's Ad-hoc Hydro-Diplomacy on the Brahmaputra

A dramatic title aimed at western influenced security scholars, 'Is China aiming to weaponize water'- in an English daily based in Geneva on 31st January, has once again triggered apprehensions in India of unilateral water diversion in the Brahmaputra River by China. Weeks ago, Kathmandu-based news portal Epardafas first reported that China is constructing a huge dam on the Mabja Zangbo River for a future water war. Due to the strained relationship between the countries, the Chinese dam buildings have created ripples in public discourse.


Forced Displacement and Mental Health: Status of Rohingyas in India and Bangladesh

The Rohingyas, as described by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, are "one of, if not the most discriminated people in the world." Native to Myanmar's Rakhine state, Rohingyas are a stateless Muslim minority. Myanmar does not recognize them as citizens and considers them illegal immigrants. According to the Human Rights Watch, various laws in place discriminate against them, including prohibitions on their freedom of movement, education, and employment.


Why SAARC would not allow Foreign Ministers meet to Legitimise Taliban Regime

The South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Foreign Ministers meet on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting has become a convention since 1997. Despite the SAARC Summit meetings being cancelled or postponed, the SAARC foreign Ministers have met regularly to discuss the regional affairs. Lately, since 2018, the India Pakistan conflict has also spilled over to the SAARC foreign ministers meet in New York.


Assam and Mizoram Border Tensions exposed India’s Northeast Vulnerabilities

Seven people including six Assam police personnel were killed by the Mizoram police firing on July 26, 2021, during an armed standoff at the Assam-Mizoram borders. The situation remained tense but came under control after the Union Government deployed two companies of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) along with the disputed areas on the Assam-Mizoram border.


Orienting Technologies to Exploit Minorities: From Genocide to Human Rights Violations

June 14, 2021

The world is witnessing a massive technological expansion. The advancement is such that we have entered into a phase where separating technologies from our lives is nearly impossible. These technologies are now programmed in such a manner that it can easily modify and change the behavioural pattern of individuals by greatly influencing their understanding, thinking and decision-making ability over a short period of time. Technology was created for the advancement of the human race, but every coin has two sides. It was created by humans who have motifs.