DTE: "Tamil Nadu district climate change missions: Is it really decentralised governance?"

July 25, 2022

The Tamil Nadu government July 11, 2022, announced the institution of district climate change missions (DCCM) across 38 districts in the state.

There have been negligible discussions or reactions post the announcement among citizens, experts, non-profits and the media. It is thus important to consider DCCMs in the right perspective.     

There are a few pertinent concerns that must be addressed without doubting the intent behind the setting up of these missions:

  • Will DCCMs include local populations in making decisions to achieve climate resilience? Will they work in accordance with the ethos of climate justice?
  • Will DCCMs overlap with district disaster management processes and their plans?
  • Are they the equivalent of people’s adaptive or collaborative climate governance?
  • Or are they just another bureaucratic set-up announced with a meagre budget but remain just on paper?

For Complete Post, Read Here: Down To Earth, July 24, 2022

AVILASH ROUL, Down To Earth, July 24, 2022