Opinion / Analysis

Myanmar: Quest for Nuclear Energy and Concerns

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha
June 05, 2007

The Cold War mindset is difficult to fade away. With the announcement of the design and building of the nuclear energy centre in Myanmar by Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency, the US has raised concerns about the peaceful nature of Myanmar’s nuclear energy programme. The proposed 10-megawatt light water reactor has attracted international attention in Myanmar. The negotiation for acquiring nuclear technology between the Russian Agency and Myanmar was shelved since 2003 due to specific payment problems. Most Southeast Asian countries, including Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, and even Vietnam, are looking for nuclear energy to meet their ever-increasing domestic demand for energy and to find an alternative source for depleting non-renewable resources.

For the US, the predicament is that the isolationist regime does pose certain apprehensions because of a lack of information about its nuclear programme. These apprehensions were fuelled by the unconfirmed reports of clandestine nuclear negotiations between Myanmar and North Korea, which appeared largely in the media (Far Eastern Economic Review, November 2003; the Democratic Voice of Burma, March 2006). These reports have remarked on the testing facility being set up near Sekhtya Mountains in 2000. Even last year, one of the employees of the Ministry of Defence in Yangon who fled to Thailand had stated through a few media reports that the military Junta has been sending army officers and scientists to North Korea and Russia and even clandestinely procuring equipment for its nuclear plant. The report's authenticity was questionable because the MoD staff in question wanted to seek asylum in the US.

Myanmar’s Junta has been questioned time and again for its human rights record and its commitment to democratic values. The US has seen that a non-cautious approach towards North Korea led to the nuclear tests, so it has been extra cautious in questioning the transfer of nuclear know-how, even for peaceful purposes. With Russia's advent, one thing can be discounted: Myanmar might not go the North Korean way. Also, in the recent past, the initiatives taken by Myanmar’s Junta on the issue of the supply of sand to Singapore, as well as visits of the leaders of Southeast Asian countries, have been much more accommodating. This changed stance has led to the mellowing disposition of the ASEAN nations in the recent past, and so the countries are looking for active engagement of Myanmar.

Myanmar, on the other hand, would like to secure its energy supplies and search for more advanced options. Declaring that Myanmar has nuclear ambitions would not be rationalistic, especially when it has not been trying to isolate itself from the rest of the world. 

It is well known that the Russian Atomic Agency is short of funds to run its nuclear energy programme and, for a few years, has been scouting for buyers for its peaceful nuclear technology. The stance of both the US and Russia should be to trust each other in terms of atomic proliferation responsibility rather than sowing the seeds of another Cold War. Also, owing to the energy requirements of Myanmar, it has been trying to develop its hydropower and seeking investments from both China and Thailand. It should be noted that Myanmar has been facing a severe electricity shortage due to the new capital, Pyinmana, and many new development projects. The country is trying hard to develop its gas resources and has recently given exploration rights of the coveted Arakan reserves to China. On the other hand, China would like to have more gas and oil reserves near its borders for its energy security. 

With regard to India, it is imperative to engage a trusted neighbour which is trying to pay back in terms of its initiatives against the north-eastern insurgents. 

Myanmar has been looking for nuclear energy, and with the resources generated due to the sale of gas, it has the purchasing power for the elusive technology in the nuclear energy domain. The question of the US's apprehension of the peaceful atomic energy programme of Myanmar has specific reasons attached to it. Recently, North Korea established diplomatic relations with Myanmar, and a couple of its cargo ships have recently been docked at Thilawa port and elsewhere. The official version has been that they were docked because of storm conditions. But many, like the US, suspected by arguing that it is not always a coincidence. Surprisingly, the US, while apprehensive about the collusive ties between North Korea and Myanmar, has discounted the role of Pakistani nuclear scientists who have visited Myanmar in the past. 

In reality, Myanmar wants to be a mainstream player in world politics. It is still to be seen how Myanmar embarks on its peaceful nuclear research and energy generation programmes. In the wake of the situation in Iraq and Iran, most of the developing countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia are looking for nuclear energy as a viable alternative. The high costs and high pollution of thermal power plants might not become a viable alternative in the near future for the energy needs of a country, especially when the Kyoto Protocol is likely to be fiercely implemented.

Author Note
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, Associate Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi.