Bangladesh: Restructuring of Hefazat-e-Islam

July 20, 2021

After facing a huge leadership crisis due to the arrests of its top leaders in March 2021, mainly due to violent protests and media allegations about its radical activities, the HeI attempted to rebuild its image by restructuring the organisation. The new Secretary-General of Hefazat-e-Islam, Nurul Islam Jihadi, announced a new central committee (CC) formation at a press briefing at Al Jamiatul Islamia Makhzanul Uloom Madrasa in Khilgaon, Dhaka on June 7. The new CC has 33 members, with Junaid Babunagari as its chief (Ameer).

SACM, July 2021

Interview: "Afghans 'caught between the devil and the deep sea'

July 18, 2021

Nearing the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces and allies in Afghanistan, the South Asian country is quickly descending on a path to chaos and conflict.

The withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces has drawn the ire of former President George W. Bush. As the American-backed government in Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, is left to fend for itself, Bush was quick to criticize the move, calling it a "mistake" with grave consequences.

पर्यावरण Perspective, "Prevent, Halt and Restore Ecosystems"

July 05, 2021

'Ecosystem Restoration' is the theme of this World Environment Day, celebrated across the World on June 05. While Pakistan is the global host of this year's world environment day, the United Nations has launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030. The dedicated UN decade would likely bring the focus of world governments in preventing, halting and reversing the degradation of ecosphere in their respective sovereign control and beyond.

Orienting Technologies to Exploit Minorities: From Genocide to Human Rights Violations

June 14, 2021

The world is witnessing a massive technological expansion. The advancement is such that we have entered into a phase where separating technologies from our lives is nearly impossible. These technologies are now programmed in such a manner that it can easily modify and change the behavioural pattern of individuals by greatly influencing their understanding, thinking and decision-making ability over a short period of time. Technology was created for the advancement of the human race, but every coin has two sides. It was created by humans who have motifs.

Allopathy and Ayurveda: Need for an Informed Debate

A very passionate debate is ongoing in India on the relevance and effectiveness of Allopathy and Ayurveda, two different (modern and traditional) branches of medicine. In respect of Covid-19 handling, there was an attempt to debunk the relevance of allopathic treatment. In response to this, the Indian Medical Association (IMA), an NGO, has taken a very aggressive stance and stood against demeaning allopathy.


Maoist Trends in India: A Combination of Mass and Mine Warfare

May 25, 2021

Former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, while addressing a day-long meeting of Chief Ministers, including six of the Naxalite affected states, on April 13, 2006, observed: “It would not be an exaggeration to say that the problem of Naxalism is the single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country.”On January 21, 2021, Indian Army Chief General MM Naravane said that  'left-wing extremism' is one of the biggest challenges before the Indian state.  It seems, in the last 14 years, there has not been any phenomenal shift in the position of the LWE in India’s list of nat


TM: "Former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed Narrowly Avoids Assassination: A Political Conspiracy or Islamic State Plot?"

May 25, 2021

On May 6, Maldives’ Speaker of Parliament and former President Mohamed Nasheed was seriously injured in an assassination attempt outside his home in the capital, Male. The improvised explosive device (IED) blast also wounded members of his security team and bystanders, including a foreign national. Although jihadists elements remain the primary suspect for the attempt on Nasheed’s life, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.