November 25, 2019

Ever since the events of document leaks by NSA’s whistleblower Edward Snowden, countries around the world have become conscious about their cybersecurity measures. The leaked reports worked as a wake-up call for India. India was the top most priority target by the American spy agency NSA. It was the time when India realized the great need for a Cyber Policy. In the year 2013, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) drafted India’s first National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP). The policy is framed with a coherent vision and a dynamic set of stratagems for execution.

TM: "Al-Qaeda-Linked Group HUJI-B Attempts to Regroup in Bangladesh"

October 28, 2019

Bangladesh’s Islamist landscape unexpectedly expanded with a reported resurgence of al-Qaeda-linked Harkat-ul Jihad al-Islami-Bangladesh (HUJI-B—Movement of Islamic Holy War-Bangladesh) terrorist group, which has been lying dormant for over a decade. On October 2, Dhaka police arrested three senior HuJI-B operatives from the Khilgaon area of the capital city who were reportedly engaged in reviving HuJI-B’s operations in Bangladesh.


Naxal Movement in India: A Historical Anthology

To understand the genesis of the Naxal movement, also known as Maoist/Left-wing extremism, one needs to locate it within the framework of the Communist movement in India. More specifically, any study on the Maoist movement cannot overlook the importance of the rise and fall of the Telangana Movement (1946-51). Because for the Indian Communists, Telangana would always remain the glorious chapter in the history of peasant struggles.


SRI LANKA: 'Presidential elections: Will minorities become Kingmakers?'

As Sri Lanka is gearing towards the eighth presidential elections on November 16, national security, foreign policy and foreign investments in infrastructure projects and minority issues are once again dominating the political discourse in the country. Although a record 35 candidates have registered for this election, the electoral debate has been mostly dominated by the UNP candidate, Sajith Premadasa, and SLPP candidate, Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR). The JVP and the NPM could be closer to these two parties.


NavIC: Assessing India’s Own Satellite Navigation System

For many years, India has been trying to successfully develop its own satellite navigational system. Despite having all satellites required for this system in place, owing to the lack of user interface, it still remains unusable for the common users. However, it now finally appears that there are some possibilities that within the coming six months Indian users could have the smartphone-based facility available for using the ‘made in India GPS’.


Nepal: Spearheading into Another Armed Conflict?

After a decade long armed struggle and promulgation of a new constitution in September 2015 as per the November 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between former Maoists and the then Nepal government, Nepal could witness the rise of another radical Maoist group. The Communist Party of Nepal led by Netra Bikram Chand alias Biplav (also known as CPN-Chand faction) was formed on 24th November 2014 after breaking away from Mohan Baidya’s Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary).