ONE INDIA: BRICS declaration on Pak terror: What happens at the summit remains at the summit

September 05, 2017

The BRICS declaration recognised several terror groups including Pakistan sponsored ones such as the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad as potential threats. It was an interesting development since China probably for the first time identified the threat posed by Pakistan based groups.

Hindustan Times: For India, Jaish chief Masood Azhar bigger threat than Hafiz Saeed

February 14, 2017

For India, Jaish chief Masood Azhar bigger threat than Hafiz Saeed

Jaish­e­Mohammed chief Masood Azhar keeps a low profile unlike Mumbai serial blasts mastermind Hafiz Saeed and has escaped being banned, with China’s help.
INDIA Updated: Feb 14, 2017 17:16 IST

Rezaul H Laskar 
New Delhi, Hindustan Times

The National Interest: "Why the Maldives Is Sending Terrorists to Syria and Iraq"

November 03, 2016

Maldives has sent more terrorists per capita than any other country in the world to fight with extremist groups in Syria and Iraq.
A popular tourist destination could be sliding into Islamist terrorism following its departure from the British Commonwealth, according to regional experts.

The Maldives, a nation of 1,192 islands in the Indian Ocean, is best known for its tropical weather and seaside resorts. But Maldives has sent more terrorists per capita than any other country in the world to fight with extremist groups in Syria and Iraq.

Transition and Transformation in Indian Defence

Great leap forward for Indian defence necessitates resolute action from the apex.
A decade proves to be a short time for reforms in military affairs while a week is a long time in politics. However, surprise elements in Indian politics (the latest reshuffle in cabinet) notwithstanding, India appears to challenge conventional notions about military reforms, at least in initiating realms, if not in implementation and results thereafter. Results may vary but intents transcend regimes.

Deba Mohanty

INTERVIEW: How Vulnerable Is India to Recruitment by the Islamic State?

As India tries to stem the flow of citizens joining the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the state of Kerala, on the southern coast, has emerged as an area of special concern. According to government statistics, more citizens have been arrested for Islamic State ties in Kerala than in any other state.


The North Korean Conundrum

The United States (US) Secretary of State Mr Rex Tillerson has just concluded his first East Asia trip with visits to Japan, South Korea and China. Today, the major security challenge which the new Trump administration faces, apart from the Islamic terrorism, is brazen approach of North Korea. Particularly, during his campaign phase Donald Trump had indicated that he would like to take a more business like attitude in regards to this region and is not keen to guarantee military cover to this region free of cost.


Two Decades of OPCW

April 29, 2017

On April 29,1997,the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the first ever multilateral disarmament agreement entered into force along with the birth of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an international chemical weapons disarmament regime, after years of negotiations under the auspices of United Nation’s Conference on Disarmament. and Preparatory Commission. The OPCW’s objective is to accomplish the Convention’s mandate ‘to end the development, production, stockpiling, transfer and use of chemical weapons’. It also has to ensure the ‘elimination of existing stocks of such weapons’. Two decade later, on the twentieth anniversary of OPCW it is imperative to recollect the journey so far and also to ascertain whether the regime succeeded in making the world safer from the threat of chemical weapons or warfare.This issue brief takes a broad overview of the journey of CWC and OPCW during the last two decades.