TM: Jamaatul Ansar: A Terrorism Threat in Bangladesh Before the 2024 Elections?

June 28, 2023

In mid-2022, Bangladeshi police stumbled upon a burgeoning Islamist militant conglomerate called Jamaatul-Ansar-fil-Hindal Sharqiya (Assembly of the Helpers in the East of India, or “Jamaatul Ansar”) while investigating youth disappearances in the country. More than 50 youths have reportedly left their homes to join Islamist groups under the pretext of religious migration (hijra) in the last two years (Parthom Alo, September 25, 2022).


"How Russia turned America’s helping hand to Ukraine into a vast lie"

March 30, 2023
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Information is the world’s lifeblood. It pulsates in torrents of facts and images. We are swamped with it.

But information can be poison, a dangerous weapon. Disinformation, or organized lying, can be used to wage political warfare. As the historian Thomas Rid wrote in “Active Measures,” his book on the subject, disinformation can weaken a political system that places its trust in truth. “Disinformation operations, in essence, erode the very foundations of open societies,” he wrote.

China's Quest to Explore the Earth's Core

Recently the news has come about an innovative project undertaken by China, which involves digging the biggest (deepest) hole in the Earth. This would be China's first attempt at reaching deep into the Earth's belly. Looking at China's recent history towards undertaking and finishing megaprojects, China is expected to be able to complete this unique project as per its plans.


The World Is Inching Towards A Multilateral Treaty On Plastic Pollution

Our planet is choking with plastic we produce, consume and dispose of. Plastic has become entangled with tradition and modernity. While plastic has been increasingly and immeasurably integrated into our daily lives for the last three decades, littering of single-use plastic items in our ecosphere severely affects terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems.


Targeted and Forgotten: The Hazara Shia Community's Struggle in Afghanistan

May 26, 2023

The Hazara Shia community has endured widespread discrimination and systematic sectarian violence since the establishment of modern Afghanistan in 1747. A long history of persecution endured by the Hazara community and their status as a vulnerable ethnic group over centuries in Afghanistan is now part of Central Asia’s folklore. The Hazaras have suffered from centuries of discrimination, violence, and systemic oppression, ranging from historical atrocities under the rule of Amir Abdul Rahman to targeted attacks by the Taliban and the Islamic State of Khorasan Province.