TM: "Sri Lanka Struggles to Deliver Justice for Easter Sunday Terror Victims"

June 09, 2022

On April 21, amid an unprecedented economic meltdown, political turmoil, and social unrest, Sri Lanka observed the third anniversary of the Islamic State (IS)-claimed Easter Sunday terror attacks. To mark the occasion, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa promised once again to punish those behind the carnage that killed 260 people and injured over 500, who were mostly Christian worshippers at Easter services, foreign nationals, and tourists in hotels. Rajapaksa reiterated his government’s commitment to ensure justice for all the victims of the Easter terror attacks.


Locating Europe in India's Strategic Calculus

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on a three day trip to Europe from 2 to May 4 2022, met leaders from Germany, Denmark and France and participated in the Second Nordic Summit (the First Summit was held in 2018 in Stockholm). The visit comes when the global leaderships are trying individually and collectively to find solutions to the war in Ukraine, existent and threatening issues like climate change, increased protectionism, a further rise of religious fundamentalism, widespread economic distress, and pandemic impacts.


Uday India: "Disruptive Technologies and Future Warfare"

May 21, 2022

Technology development is a continuing process. Technological developments are known to impact the advancements taking place in various sectors. The modern world is found getting driven mostly by technologies. From health to agriculture to education to human development to truism to critical infrastructure, almost every part of human life is found increasingly getting dependent on technologies. Apart from these sectors, technology is known to be influencing the security sector for a long.

Uday India: "Rising Aatmanirbharta in Defence Sector"

May 18, 2022

As the line between the universe of military systems, services, a related spin-off (technologies from military to civilian domains) or spin-on (technologies from civilian to military domains) products and wider civilian products are getting blurred day by day, military exhibitions dis- play more and more dual-use systems apart from primarily military intensive products and services.

India and the Dynamic Trends in International Arms Transfer

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recently released its report on international arms transfer. This article highlights the current state of arms transactions, including sales and procurement of defence and military equipment worldwide. It attempts to establish and underscore the patterns of the arms trade in the years spanning 2017-to 2021.