
Twitter: The Medium Demands Self-discipline

July 06, 2014

Twitter, an online social networking and microblogging service, was born in 2006. Interestingly, it has emerged as one of the most popular mediums of influence in a short period. This service is sometimes described as an ‘SMS of Internet’. Like any other internet-based service, this amenity has both positives and negatives. To judge the relevance of any such service, it is also important to check the category of users using it and their approach. Particularly in the Indian context, the ‘idea of Twitter’ is getting defeated and becoming more a bane than a boon.

Today, politicians have used Twitter to reach a wider audience almost on a real-time basis. Also, many commentators on varied issues ranging from politics to social challenges to films are jubilantly using the medium effectively. In India, during the last few years, Twitter has emerged as a medium of expression for many people keen to express opinions on almost every issue. Meanwhile, various so-called celebrities are found offering kneejerk reactions to various events.  Probably, few are using this medium to remain ‘relevant’ in society.

In any flourishing democratic society, there cannot be an embargo on expressing opinions and views. However, it has been observed that the perceptions of uninformed individuals mainly involve expressing opinions in public forums and creating unwanted fissures in society. Quietly often, various tweeted views are found being expressed without giving much thought to it. Also, there is an ‘itch’ to respond to every situation immediately after its occurrence without realising the possible consequences. Unfortunately, some people probably fall under the hidden pressure of their Twitter followers, who are unnecessarily keen on their views on a particular issue. Often, the tongue-in-cheek comments meant to be made in a small group over a cup of tea are finding a place in cyberspace as a tweet for all to read. Thus, private becomes public, which ultimately becomes an uncalled ruckus.

To flaunt and make one’s Twitter handle popular is becoming a prestige symbol for cyber-elites in India! The number of followers to one’s Twitter account is becoming regarded as a tool to measure the popularity of that individual. Naturally, there have been cases where manipulations are done to show the inflated figures of such followers to ‘demonstrate’ one’s popularity. The problem India faces today is not about an increase in the number of tweets daily but the unnecessary ‘dissection’ of those tweets done by many. Regrettably, no one is ready to give any benefit of the doubt to the person who neither tweets nor is ready to take those ‘140 words of wisdom’ figuratively. As long as the tweets are being absorbed or, if necessitated, being laughed at and, if required, being forgotten, then Twitter remains a simple model expression. However, the problem is that various tweets are being accepted and reacted upon exceptionally seriously, even more seriously than the person who has tweeted it!

Making a judgement and forming a final opinion based on a tweet is probably incorrect. Unfortunately, in the Indian context, particularly the electronic media, they blindly follow the social media debates and create a ‘story’ from such 140-word limit (in Twitter) debates. There is a high potential that such debates could be intelligently manipulated. This is a perilous trend and could even impact national security on specific occasions. 

In India, electronic media has emerged as the most prominent opinion. It is evident that this 24x7 commercial media (privately owned by corporations) claiming national media would always be looking for a ‘news story’. Instead of making journalistic efforts for an actual story, they find an easy way out and create a story from various tweets. Such stories may bring more Target Rating Points (TRPs) to private TV channels but are also inappropriately shaping public opinions. It is extremely important for electronic media houses to make mature judgments on journalistic ethics before making a story from some inconsequential and, at times, provocative tweets.

Tweeting on anything and everything has become a fashion of the day for many politicians, film stars, sports stars, media Mughals and social butterflies. There have been some unconfirmed reports that some ‘celebrities’ with a major fan following offer their services at a cost to tweet about an event or individual. Similarly, some questions have been raised in parliament about cost. In the future, it cannot be guaranteed that the views expressed on social media will be unbiased. The problem is that it is very difficult to differentiate between a paid tweet and a genuine opinion. Also, there exists a possibility that social media could be effectively manipulated by terror and anti-national organizations or by fringe elements within and beyond India's boundaries. There exists a possibility that Indian electronic media, which depends mainly on social media for the daily ‘package’ generation, could get manipulated as a carrier for information warfare without even realizing it.

Twitter is an inescapable reality for a liberal and democratic society. This tool has the strength to even build revolutions (remember the Arab Spring). But at the same time, if it is not used judiciously, it can become a monster. High, mighty, famous, and influential people in India must realise that we respect their opinions, but only if they are expressed on their competence. Otherwise, the less they tweet the happier and safer society. 

Author Note
The author is New Delhi based strategic analyst