Decoding Strength, Exposing Dragon: How Real is China's Military Power? Part-I

This is a two part article. The first part focuses on the current state of China's military capabilities while also exposing the vulnerabilities undermining its strategic ambitions. 

The age-old adage coined by Deng Xiaoping, "hide your capabilities, bide your time," appears to have subtly evolved into a contemporary mantra: "show your capabilities, let everyone speculate." This paradigm shift was strikingly evident in the recent alleged unveiling of China’s elusive sixth-generation fighter jet, purportedly the first of its kind in the world.


"Russia Accused of Using WWI-Era Chemical Weapon in Ukraine"

February 05, 2024

Russian forces pushing their grinding offensive in eastern Ukraine "appear to be" resorting to World War I-era chemical weapons in their bid to dislodge Kyiv's defending units, according to the latest battlefield update from the Institute for the Study of War.

Colonel Oleksandr Shtupun, the spokesperson for the Tavria Ukrainian military group operating on the southeastern front line, said on Tuesday that Russian forces had been using "K-51 grenades with chloropicrin" in their attacks on Kyiv's positions.

CSIS: "Information Pollution and What It Means for Arms Control"

January 31, 2024
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Over the past decade, Russia has stepped up its disinformation campaigns to erode trust in arms control across the nuclear, chemical, and biological domains. The new era of rapidly disseminated disinformation poses significant challenges to U.S. national security and, more specifically, to arms control verification and compliance. In this polluted information environment, offense is king.

"How Russia turned America’s helping hand to Ukraine into a vast lie"

March 30, 2023
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Information is the world’s lifeblood. It pulsates in torrents of facts and images. We are swamped with it.

But information can be poison, a dangerous weapon. Disinformation, or organized lying, can be used to wage political warfare. As the historian Thomas Rid wrote in “Active Measures,” his book on the subject, disinformation can weaken a political system that places its trust in truth. “Disinformation operations, in essence, erode the very foundations of open societies,” he wrote.

Russia, Ukraine, and the Chemical Conundrum: Exploring the Use of White Phosphorus in Bakhmut

Bakhmut, an eastern Ukrainian city, has been enduring the consequences of Russia's aggression since the outset of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022. Once known as Artemivsk, it retained this name until 2016, encompassing both the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. During the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers laid claim to Bakhmut as part of their territorial ambitions. However, the Ukrainian government managed to retake the city in mid-2014. Russia's interest in Bakhmut stems from its strategic geography, which enables them to disrupt Ukraine's supply lines.