
India, France Strategic Partnership: Nuclear and Maritime Cooperation

Dr. Vijay Sakhuja
May 28, 2009

Among the several congratulatory letters received by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his reelection, the message from French President Nicolas Sarkozy merits attention. While inviting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to be the Chief Guest at the forthcoming ceremonies marking the National Day of France on July 14, Sarkozy has praised the Indian democratic system and alluded ‘ to the values of liberty, people's sovereignty and respect of diversity in secularism'. He has also underscored the necessity to expand the existing strategic partnership between the two countries. He has ‘chosen to make India a privileged partner of France’ and undertake major orientation of the [French] foreign policy. This provides an excellent opportunity for Paris and New Delhi to advance their relationship in the 21st century.

Recently, France has been at the forefront of supporting India in several ways. Paris has backed New Delhi’s bid for a permanent seat in an expanded U.N. Security Council. On May 22, 2009, France's Deputy Ambassador Jean-Pierre Lacroix told a committee negotiating the reform of the current 15-nation council that France supported Germany, Japan, India, and Brazil as new permanent council members. Earlier in 2008, President Sarkozy, during his visit to New Delhi, had noted that India should get ‘its rightful place at the global high table’. He assured Paris would do its utmost to support India for a U.N. Security Council seat and inclusion in an expanded G-8.

Indo-French ties reached a new height in early 2008 when Paris announced that it was willing to sign a bilateral civil nuclear cooperation agreement with India. Interestingly, France is the first country among the Nuclear Suppliers Group to sign an agreement to help India build new civil nuclear plants to overcome its energy deficit. The French initiative is likened to when Homi Bhabha developed professional relations with the French nuclear scientist Joliot-Curie. Significantly, in 1998, the French leadership had conveyed to India that “India can count on France to help face some of the greatest challenges that your country is confronted with in its development[...] The cooperation could also focus, when the time comes, on nuclear power production.”

In the military domain, the Indo-French High Committee for Defence Cooperation was set up in 1998 and is jointly presided over by the special representative of the French Ministry of Defence and the Indian Defence Secretary. The Committee comprises three sub-groups that discuss issues of military cooperation, the military-industrial complex, and strategic issues.

The Indo-French naval cooperation is part of the broader Indo-French strategic partnership based on understanding and appreciating each other's security interests, priorities and aspirations. Significantly, both India and France are Indian Ocean powers and essential stakeholders that have an interest in maintaining the safety and security of maritime enterprise in the Indian Ocean. The two sides have consolidated the bilateral naval cooperation to include ship visits, joint naval exercises and exchanges of naval delegations and trainees in defence institutions. French military hardware, too, is finding a significant place in India’s military. Among these, the flagship project involves six Scorpene submarines built by the French state-owned shipbuilding company Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN) at the Indian state-owned Mazagon Dock Ltd., Mumbai.

Naval ships from both sides visited each other's ports regularly, and in June 2009, four Indian naval ships were calling at Brest, the French nuclear submarine base. During the visit, the two sides will engage in the Varuna series of exercises focusing on anti-submarine warfare, and it is reported that the French Navy will field a nuclear submarine for the exercises. In May 2002, as part of the Varuna series, the French nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, Super Etendard and Rafale M fighter aircraft and Indian Sea Harriers were involved in joint exercises.

According to Vice Admiral Gerard Valin, Flag Officer Commanding Joint French Forces in the Indian Ocean, India’s need to acquire a nuclear-propelled submarine is legitimate. It is a ‘matter of pride’. India is planning to lease a Russian SSN and the indigenous nuclear submarine programme, designated as an Advance Technology Vessels (ATV) could begin sea trials in 2010. Here, the French experience in operating nuclear submarines becomes critical. The French Navy has rich experience in operating nuclear submarines, and as far as the Indian Navy is concerned, it has operated (1988-91) the leased Soviet/Russian Charlie class Chakra submarine. The two sides have an opportunity to share best business practices in operating nuclear underwater platforms and further strengthen their relationship.

Author Note
Dr. Vijay Sakhuja is founding President of Society for Study of Peace and Conflict, New Delhi