"A Brief Sketch of Shafiur Rahman Farabi: Bangladesh’s Online Jihadist Troll"

Animesh Roul ( SSPC, Executive Director) have profiled one of the most intriguing characters of Bangladesh Jihadist scene, insrumental in inciting and killings of free speech bloggers: Read: "A Brief Sketch of Shafiur Rahman Farabi: Bangladesh’s Online Jihadist Troll", Militant Leadership Monitor, (Jamestown Foundation) Volume VI, Issue 8, August 2015.

Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty: Non-Proliferation Measure or the Way to Nuclear Zero?

Once the negotiations for FMCT start, a window of opportunity would open up for the Conference on Disarmament to develop a legally binding mechanism to eliminate fissile material and nuclear weapons from the face of the earth, attaining the objective of universal and comprehensive disarmament.

Munish Sharma & Vineeth Krishnan
August 2015

Sri Lanka: Rebels With An Air Force

Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels launch air strikes against government installations, boosting their morale after last year's losses and taking the renewed conflict to a dangerous new level.

In an apparent change of war tactics, Sri Lanka's Tamil militant group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), is now resorting to aerial attacks against government targets, a novel shift in the conflict that has ravaged the Indian Ocean island nation for three decades.


Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Ten Years After

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a successful trip to Central Asia and Russia in the past weeks. Various new collaborations -- from tourism to terrorism -- got formalized during these visits. One important agenda of this visit was to acquire uranium required for nuclear energy production. Mr. Modi was successful in working out various modalities in this regard with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Few months back he also collaborated with Canada and Australia in regards to trade of uranium to India.


Building Democracy in Afghanistan: The Trust Factor

As described by critics all over the world, Afghanistan has become a very messy place to live in today. There are different views regarding democratization process in this Islamic country. However, we cannot say that democracy is impossible in the Islamic countries of the world. First, it is wrong to pit the fortune of democracy in accordance with Islamism. A professor from Frankfurt Peace Research Institute argues that democracy is a full market with all kinds of products, and everybody can go and buy what they want.


Sleepless at Sea: Rohingya Plight Fails to Cease

Ahead of the much-anticipated union elections in Myanmar towards October-November 2015, the Rohingya community in the country have been stripped of their franchise early this year in February following large scale protests by nationalist monks and political leaders. A referendum held to amend the Constitution that gave the Rohingyas voting rights, probably an initiative taken after surmounting international pressure, had to be revoked after the widespread protests that brought back horrific memories of the bloody 2012 clashes.