India is Onboard of China's Space Station

On October 31, 2022, China successfully launched the third and last space-station module, Mengtian. This module is required to complete the building of China's space station by the end of 2022. This space station is known as Tiangong, and after the full operationalisation of this station, China would become the only third country in the world, after the US and Russia, to have their own space station.


DTE: "Can the ‘gist’ city climate plan secure a resilient future for Chennai? "

October 31, 2022

The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) posted a draft of the city climate action plan on its website on September 12, 2022, for public view. The document consisting of 52 PowerPoint slides, was also up for a quick advisory for the public to submit their views, comments and appreciation within 20 days of posting.  Was it a decision by the civic body? Did the elected mayor approve this short notice for the people of Chennai and beyond to read and understand the technical language or the concepts and comment as feedback through emails? 


September 30, 2022

Abstract: This article examines Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent’s (AQIS) extremist propaganda in Bangladesh and how this South Asian affiliate of the Transnational Jihadist group- Al Qaeda- has dominated the extremist narrative against Bangladesh. The analyses draw on primary data from AQIS supporter channels on encrypted social media platforms such as Telegram and various “cloud-platform” websites that serve as repositories for the group’s propaganda.


EER: "How Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent Exploits the Prophet Controversy in India"

August 20, 2022

Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) — one of the most resilient regional affiliates of the transnational jihadist enterprise Al-Qaeda — issued multiple threats to carry out suicide bombings and other targeted attacks in India after controversial remarks about the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran were made by senior members of India’s ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP).


DTE: "Tamil Nadu district climate change missions: Is it really decentralised governance?"

July 25, 2022

The Tamil Nadu government July 11, 2022, announced the institution of district climate change missions (DCCM) across 38 districts in the state.

There have been negligible discussions or reactions post the announcement among citizens, experts, non-profits and the media. It is thus important to consider DCCMs in the right perspective.     

There are a few pertinent concerns that must be addressed without doubting the intent behind the setting up of these missions:

Ferocious or Benevolent Lions? Discourse on the National Emblem

Whether the lions of Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka were ferocious or benevolent is one of the hottest political debates outside the Parliament by parliamentarians and representatives of political parties in India. It has already spilt over to the international arena as BBC carried the headline on July 12 that ‘National emblem: ferocious lions' statue on new parliament raises eyebrows’.


Locating Europe in India's Strategic Calculus

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on a three day trip to Europe from 2 to May 4 2022, met leaders from Germany, Denmark and France and participated in the Second Nordic Summit (the First Summit was held in 2018 in Stockholm). The visit comes when the global leaderships are trying individually and collectively to find solutions to the war in Ukraine, existent and threatening issues like climate change, increased protectionism, a further rise of religious fundamentalism, widespread economic distress, and pandemic impacts.


Uday India: "Rising Aatmanirbharta in Defence Sector"

May 18, 2022

As the line between the universe of military systems, services, a related spin-off (technologies from military to civilian domains) or spin-on (technologies from civilian to military domains) products and wider civilian products are getting blurred day by day, military exhibitions dis- play more and more dual-use systems apart from primarily military intensive products and services.