Politics of Water Conservation: Industries vs. Agriculture

While the world is gradually moving towards green economy, Orissa is seen to be embracing brown economy. Depending on the likes of Vedanta, POSCO, batteries of sponge Iron and coal companies which have demonstrated negligible social and environmental sensitivities, the State government intends to allocate exclusive water for such industries. On August 5, the state cabinet has approved a proposal to create a 'water conservation fund' from monetary contribution of industries which use the water from October to June.


Northern Provincial Council Elections in Sri Lanka: What Next?

After 25 years, for the first time, election was held to the demerged Northern Provincial Council (NPC) on September 21. Though the victory of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) with a thumping two-third majority was predicted, some thought the development route to ethnic reconciliation as relentlessly articulated and pursued by the Rajapakse government, would give it some electoral benefits. It managed to win only 7 seats (18.38 per cent of the votes) in the 38-member council.


Changing Nature of Jihadi Terrorism: Focus on Al-Shabaab and Nairobi Mall Mayhem

Nairobi, the capital of African nation Kenya has witnessed one of the bloodiest terrorist events of recent times. Starting from September 21, the attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi which continued till September 24 resulted in more than 60 deaths and scores of people have been injured. Somali Jihadi terrorist group Al-Shabaab, an al Qaeda affiliated and a splinter of the Islamic Courts Union, (ICU) claimed responsibility for this four day long mindless mayhem.



Syria’s Chemical Weapon Mess and Great Power Game

Syrian crisis has achieved the unachievable. It has compelled a communist country to talk peace and democratic/capitalist countries to talk war. Fortunately, it appears that the invasion of Syria by the US forces has been stopped, at least, temporarily. An agreement on chemical weapons stockpiled in Syria has been reached following the talks held in Geneva between the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey V. Lavrov, and US Secretary of State John Kerry.


"Chinese dam concerns raise fears of future water conflict" : SSPC Senior Fellow Avilash Roul was quoted in South China Morning Post

"Chinese dam concerns raise fears of future water conflict" SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 05 September, 2013

Beijing's coyness over hydro plans for Tibet's Yarlung Zangbo sparks mistrust from India over downstream impact on Brahmaputra.

The sensitive issue of water sharing between China and India is again under the spotlight.

India raised its longstanding concerns about Chinese dam construction on rivers that start in China and flow into the sub-continent at the 5th round of the India-China strategic dialogue in New Delhi last month.