Modi's India Vs Bhutan's Gross National Happiness

What doesn't get measured, doesn't get managed. This is the sad story of environmental deterioration around the world which has been religiously and rigorously measuring gross national product (GNP) to ascertain the growth of a nation. But, a tiny Himalayan country has deviated from such calculation of national progress. The Gross National Happiness (GNH), as Bhutan's economic path to development, has less talked about in mainstream economics. And, this is not a fairytale!  



Remaining Tough Task for BRICS Development Bank

A new Bank is added to the lexicon of world development finance. Rather than welcoming it, the merchants of poverty eradication engage in propagating its unbecoming. A completely one sided views are floating since the announcement of BRICS New Development Bank adopted in Brazil during BRICS Sixth Summit. It is a shocker to the world even after month-long soccer carnival. The question remains that weather BRIC's New Development Bank (NDB) would be able to deliver as its founding members aspire?



People without a Home: Bhutanese Refugees and Third Country Rehabilitation

Despite the fact that a large number of Bhutanese refugees are rehabilitated in seven countries– the US, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Canada– the issue still haunts the country. The seriousness of the issue came to the international community’s notice while the same was discussed again between the prime ministers of Nepal and Bhutan on the sidelines of BIMSTEC in March 2014.

South Asia Conflict Monitor

The Risks We Run: Mining, Communities and Political Risk Insurance

Review by Avilash RoulNorth-based Industries are of the opinion that the Southern Hemisphere is not conducive for investment. The reason is the involvement of risks such as localized-small intensity conflicts and political violence such as civil unrest, revolution, uprising, terrorism, insurgency and sectarian violence, which are mushrooming mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This fragile-unstable governance situation creates a hurdle in the process of 'business as usual for the mandarins of market economy and globalization.

Bhutan Aftermath: Experiencing the Ethos of Democratic Rule

For less than one million Bhutanese populations, the year 2008 ushered a new era of governance. The year witnessed the melting down a century old monarchy to a democratic constitutional monarchy. A parliamentary democratic government was formed in the nation based on the universal adult franchise. The Himalayan landlocked country drafted a constitution with provisions of 35 articles and 4 schedules, with prior objective to eradicate Bhutan’s backwardness and accelerate the development.

Sarish Sebastian

World Food Crisis: Is it a shock to development process?

Analyze this: A week long protest, riot and looting in Haiti due to spiraling food prices led to the ouster of the Prime Minister and announcement of $10 million feeding program by the World Bank during an emergency meeting in Washington in April. The 9000 strong UN peace keeping force is still in dilemma to face the ‘hungry mob’ in Haiti. Approximately 10,000 workers clashed with police near the capital in Bangladesh over the rising food price. At least dozens of people, including 20 police officials, were injured in the violence in Dhaka. In Egypt, the revolt over food is mounting.

Avilash Roul

Special Economic Zone: The New Conflict Ground in India

More than a decade of opening of India, the Special Economic Zone (SEZ), probably has become the most controversial economic reforms announced in recent time. While some consider it as India’s supersonic engine of growth, others severely criticize it as the latest land grab instrument in the hands of the industrialists. Serious discourses on models of development, displacement and rehabilitation, employment generation, foreign investment, primacy of industry over agriculture are being raised in justification as well as against the whole concept of SEZ.

Rajat Kumar Kujur

Mining and Human under-Development: Brewing Social Conflict in Orissa!

Where Coal is gold, children’s education can be dumped! This has been followed by the mining-savvy Orissa government in a small Matulu Camp village-as the name suggests, a resettled habitation, in Rengali block of Sambalpur district in Orissa. There was a ‘school’, up to class 5th in this village just three years ago. But, the school is now reminding a World War-II concentration camp, where about 100 children of ten classes are being forced inside a dingy 20/15 ft room community centre building.

Ranjan K Panda

Reminiscing KBK Plan: Myth and Reality of Development in India

Recently during Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s maiden visit to Orissa, once again it was re-established that the most powerful word that drives the politicians and bureaucrats in contemporary Orissa is the infamous three-letter word KBK (Kalahandi–Bolangir–Koraput). It has been more then a decade that KBK area has been showered with specially designed programmes, grants and so many high profile visits. Unfortunately, the benefits of all these assistances are yet to reach the people of the region.

Rajat Kumar Kujur