Maternal Mortality: Women at Risk

Last May, Singari, a young mother, of Kharijhola village in Koraput district, Orissa, died just after giving birth to her son. The reason is lack of access to basic health amenities. This is not an isolated case. Every second hour a woman dies due to pregnancy related complicacies in Koraput. From the time of conception, death chases women as a shadow. The story of Singari is an imposing symbol of the high maternal mortality rate that grips India. While Orissa has the highest rate of maternal mortality rate in India, Koraput has one of the highest rates in the state.

Deeti Ray

War Creates Poverty than Peace

The renowned war veteran of Vietnam, General Vo Nguyen Giap has recently called for a novel kind of war on poverty. Can the warmongers accept this realistic call? While the strong argument for the war is maintenance of peace thereby sustaining livelihoods, the truth is however, somewhat different. The pledges for poverty reduction by half by the countries have gone awry as financial assistance is diverted to war. The amount of aid given by developed countries to poorer nations has fallen by half since the 1960s, risking the lives of millions of children.

Avilash Roul

Manmohan Singh’s Northeast India Sojourn: A Healing Overture?

The three-day visit of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the northeast, described as significant for the peace and development of the region, failed to rise above the morbidity of a political visit and in the end, left many discontented. Visit to Manipur and Assam, especially when both States stand at crossroads, was expected to galvanise a host of positive forces leading to a discontinuation in the phase of violence and agitation.

Dr. Bibhu Prasad Routray

Ecological Poverty: The New Serial Killer in India

The world of Indian policymakers is stoutly murderous. The current spate of malnutrition deaths in various parts of the country is just an enforcement of it. During July and September 20 this year, children died primarily due to malnutrition in Rajasthan’s Baran district. In Maharashtra’s Nandurbar and Orissa’s Nabrangpur and Malkangiri districts, death continues to stalk its tribal residents. Everyday 16 children die in Maharashtra of malnutrition.


Education for All and Learning Disabilities in India

‘Education for all’ still remains a distant dream and for disabled, it is even more remote in India. A recent survey of the National Center for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP), revealed that only 1.2 per cent of the disabled in India has had any form of education. In its effort to have an all India school level survey, NCPEDP found that from the 89 schools, 34 did not have a single disabled student and unfortunately, 18 of them having a policy against giving admission.

Sangeeta Sakhuja