The issue brief explores the complex challenges South Korea faces in securing its cyberspace amid rapid digital transformation and escalating geopolitical tensions. Despite being one of the most digitally connected nations, South Korea's cybersecurity framework suffers from significant vulnerabilities, particularly due to persistent cyber threats from North Korea and other state and non-state actors.
This resurgence of jihadist outreach and propaganda is a clear indication that extremist groups are capitalising on the current instability. The caretaker government in Bangladesh should not overlook these developments and will need to act swiftly to counter these narratives and prevent these groups from gaining further ground.
This Issue Brief examines India's 2+2 Dialogues with the USA, Japan, Australia, Russia, and the UK and evaluates its strategic partnerships with France, South Korea, Brazil, and Indonesia to assess their impact on India's foreign policy. It highlights India's evolving role in global geopolitics and its efforts to strengthen strategic alliances across different regions.
The book is not just a chronicle of India's foreign policy but a guide to understanding India's history, psychology, leadership, and domestic structure. By offering a comprehensive yet concise exploration of India as a rising power, the book provides valuable insights into analysing and predicting state actions in the international domain, considering factors such as psychology, history, sociology, political structures, economics, international relationships, and aspirations.
Pakistan aims to become a spacefaring nation by 2040, including sending an astronaut into space with China's help. However, the country lacks a cohesive strategy to achieve this ambition. Historically and currently, Pakistan's reliance on China in space exploration is significant and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
Reemergence of Terror Networks in Jammu and Kashmir: Evaluating the State's Response Mechanisms
Riding the Technological Wave: India's Digital Diplomacy and Global Engagements
The Beijing Declaration: Path to Genuine Palestinian Unity or an Illusion of Consensus?