Baloch Insurgency and Challenges to the Islamic Republic of Iran

April 23, 2012

A highly organized ethno-religious insurgency known as Jundollah, carrying political motives has appeared for the first time in 2004 in the history of the Islamic state, to challenge the authority of the government in Balochestan. According to the Iranian authorities, this Baloch insurgency has links to the US or Israeli intelligence; a claim which has been denied by Jundollah. The Iranian regime has launched a series of campaigns against the rebellion to put down any real or potential resistance to the establishment.

The Mastermind of Mayhem in Mumbai: A Profile of Lashkar-eTaiba’s Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi

Outside the Indian subcontinent not much was known about the most prolific militant commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba(LeT), Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi, until the United States Treasury announced on May 27, 2008 that they had froze the assets of four of the top LeT leaders including Lakhvi. Exactly six months later, Lakhvi’s name entered into terror infamy. With his jihadi network, he had masterminded the Mumbai attacks in November 2008, which sent ripples across the world.…

India’s Art of Balancing in West Asia

The Indian foreign minister SM Krishna’s four nation visit to Israel, Jordan, Palestine and the UAE from January 8 to 11, 2012 has been seen as a beginning of “new approach ” in India’s foreign policy towards West Asia in general and the Arab Gulf region in particular. India has unequivocally accepted the paradigm that the relations with both Palestine as well as Israel are equally significant to its core national interests. Israel is important to India from defence, security and technology point of view, while Palestine is significant for humanitarian, ideological and strategic reasons.


Complicating the Complicated: Sino-Indian Ties Vs. China’s Tibet Obsession

Indo–China relationship touched a new low when the latter unilaterally cancelled the 15th round of Special Representative-level talks between Indian and Chinese diplomats which was scheduled to be held on 5th December at New Delhi. The reason as cited by China is a scheduled speech in New Delhi by the Dalai Lama. Perhaps gone are the days of Chinese socialism because this is the expression of Bejing’s feudal mindset and its narrow minded approach over bi-lateral issues.


Dynamics Demystified: India-Bangladesh Relations

According to Thomas Homer-Dixon, water will be the major source of conflict in the upcoming time. The contemporary scenario represents somewhat the same picture. Present era is marked with various kinds of conflicts where resource sharing between the nations is a big issue of contemplation, which further leads to disagreement. The conflict often arises due to unequal distribution of resources or from a dependency-led need for more resources often at the expense of neighboring states.


Jihad in Bangladesh: Profiling Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami’s Maulana Sheikh Farid

Sheikh Farid’s arrest, as one of the key figures advocating for global jihad in Bangladesh, is considered to be a crucial catch for investigating agencies in that country. Farid’s capture is useful primarily for unraveling many mysteries behind HuJI’s overt political agenda, funding networks and various subversive activities inside Bangladesh and in neighboring India and Burma.

BWPP: "INDIA": BioWeapons Monitor 2011

December 01, 2011

The BioWeapons Monitor is an initiative of the BioWeapons Prevention Project (BWPP)—a global network of civil society actors dedicated to the permanent elimination of biological weapons and of the possibility of their re-emergence—to help monitor compliance with the international norm prohibiting biological weapons, laid down chiefly in the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Particularly, it aims to increase the transparency of activities relevant to the BWC, which the current treaty regime does not accomplish sufficiently.

Jaish-e-Muhammad’s Charity Wing Revitalizes Banned Group in Pakistan

Often tagged as the second most lethal India-centric terror group based in the Pakistani Punjab, Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of [the Prophet] Muhammad - JeM) is once again raising its head under the guise of charity in an apparent attempt to revitalize its fledgling stature in the jihadi landscape of South Asia.

CTC SENTINEL: "Jamaatul Mujahidin Bangladesh: Weakened, But Not Destroyed"

November 01, 2011

six years after the audacious terrorist attacks of 2005, Bangladesh’s elite counterterrorism agency, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), claims to have neutralized JMB’s core and substantially reduced the risk it poses. Yet the JMB threat to Bangladesh has not been eliminated. While the group has been dramatically weakened, there are new concerns that it is attempting to reconstitute itself.This article assesses JMB’s current strength, which is based on interrogations from recently arrested operatives.

"A (F)utile Intersessional Process? Strengthening the BWC by Defining Its Scope" (Authors: Cindy Vestergaard and Animesh Roul)

October 12, 2011

During its thirty-five years, the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) has been scarred by treaty violations, failed compliance negotiations, and ambiguous treaty language. From 2003 to 2010, intersessional talks centered on less controversial topics in an attempt to save the treaty from spiraling political tensions.