Opinion / Analysis

INTERVIEW: Burdwan incident: ‘There is more than meets the eye’

Newsroom Post, Animesh Roul
October 29, 2014

In an interview with Newsroom Post, Animesh Roul, Executive Director of the Society for Study of Peace and Conflict, says that Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen, Bangladesh (JMB) has flourished with the help of local support. Speaking to Newsroompost.com, Roul says that the unchecked influx of Bangladeshi Muslims created pockets of influence for political parties in West Bengal.

Newsroom Post: How do you perceive the Burdwan incident in West Bengal?

Animesh Roul: Since the incident took place in early October at Khagragarh, Burdwan, it was clear (to me and perhaps many others) that the event has a strong link with the Bangladesh-based organisations, either Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) and Harakat-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami-Bangladesh (HUJI-B), both of which can trace their lineage to Jamaat e Islami. There is more possibility of this being the handiwork of remnants of these groups hiding on the Indian side of the border. Most of the fugitive militants have taken refuge in West Bengal, Assam and Meghalaya, taking advantage of porous borders and large migrant populations from the neighbouring country. Now, it is getting clearer that JMB’s operatives were involved. NIA investigation is heading towards the right direction. However, selective disclosure to the media or wild speculations could be damaging, especially the alleged assassination plots in Bangladesh. This has been on their agenda since 2011. So, not surprisingly enough, these groups cannot do that now. Yes, serial crude bombings like in August 2005 could be a possibility. When anything like this (the Burdwan incident) happens, we should always consider local support that provides access to money, materials, and other logistics. Also, this could be one of the many modules presently operating in India, whether they have ties with Indian separatist militant groups like KLO or ULFA factions, etc.

Newsroom Post: Do you think the West Bengal government gave the Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh a breather?

Animesh Roul: Of course, these people are hiding in West Bengal, knowing there is hardly any threat to their existence for socio-political and security reasons. Some of the reasons may be the government's lack of awareness and complacent security apparatus. As a matter of fact, the West Bengal government is virtually clueless about the impending threats and why Bangladesh militant groups strive for Greater Bangladesh by merging the present West Bengal and some other regions with their country. The continuous influx of the illegal Bengali-speaking Muslim population from the other side of the border and opportunities to settle down in India would be detrimental in future. For example, Madhaym Gram in West Bengal (other hotspots) has most Bangladeshi migrants with easy access to ration cards and other social benefits. This unchecked influx of Bangladeshi Muslims created pockets of influence for political parties in West Bengal. There are many ‘mini-Bangladesh’ in the state, but nothing to blame present government, the story of appeasement and vote bank politics goes back to decades long communist regimes. The Mamta Banerjee government is just managing the legacy, fearing backlash and the fear of losing the support base and recently gained power. When political infighting and confrontation between rival parties happen, Islamic radical groups thrive in this chaotic situation. The same situation is prevailing in both West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Newsroom Post: Why do you think West Bengal was soft on the Jamaat (JMB)?

Animesh Roul: Governments of the day are unaware of this Islamist agenda. They could not read into Islamists' future strategy. Poorly advised and lured of power make them weak to make resolute decisions and consider national interest in the longer term. It is time to wake the state governments to these stark realities. Not just the WB government, states like Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, for example, should check their backyards.

Newsroom Post: How does this incident affect ties between India and Bangladesh?

Animesh Roul: Nothing would happen to the bilateral ties since the plot was foiled, and we are not sure other conspiracy plots could be underway. Indian agencies are capable of thwarting more jihadi plots. Information sharing and CT cooperation are at an all-time high between India and Bangladesh. Dhaka administration knows the cross-border nature of terrorism, and both countries should pursue these militant networks more vigorously.

Newsroom Post: Will the JMB bounce back after this, or will they retreat?

Animesh Roul: JMB will not operate as a monolith group without central leadership for long. Yes, it has morphed into smaller groups like Tanjim e-Tamiruddin, BEM, and Jamayatul Muslimeen. So, we don’t know which offshoots are based in India. Their strategy is to survive and resurge when the opportunity comes. And for sure, they want to recreate the countrywide bombings of 2005 to topple the Hasina-led Awami League government. I am not sure about their strike against BNP or Khaleda Zia. Militants and overground Islamists (Jamaat e Islami or Hepajat Islam) in Bangladesh see them as friends and sympathizers. Now, JMB has the support of Al Qaeda link radicals like Ansarullah Bangla Team. Al Zawahiri’s specific call in January 2014 and the deteriorating political and religious situation in Bangladesh offer fertile ground for the growth of JMB and like-minded jihadist groups. No doubt there are favourable conditions for JMB’s consolidation of JMB and others in Bangladesh. Since AQIS came into existence, JMB, ABT and HujI-B have had a lifeline: moral and forthcoming financial support. Evidence in Bangladesh shows that JMB and ABT cadres carry out fresh recruitments in colleges and universities. The Expat Bangladeshi Samiun Rahman (from England) was arrested recently for trying to recruit youths for the Syrian war theatre. There is even information that these recruits would be getting training at a secret place in Chittagong and Bandarban.

Newsroom Post: Do you see Al-Qaeda now entering the picture, considering its close association with the Jamaat?

Animesh Roul: Information is there that JMB and ABT cadres have already touched base with AQIS people in Pakistan. Of course, there is ‘confusion’ within the JMB and other groups in Bangladesh about where they should go. Local militants are watching the conflict in Syria and the possible alliance between IS and Al Nushra Front (AQ’s official affiliate). The September call of AQIS made them more confused and intrigued by the call of the Caliphate under Mullah Omar (Afghanistan). To note, in early August this year, some (five masked men) Bangladesh youths released a visual message supporting Al Bagdadi/ISIS. Now, they will be contemplating joining the AQIS bandwagon. With a solid grassroots organizational Structure and support base, JMB might stage a comeback anytime, morphing or camouflaging itself under the AQIS umbrella. Islamist groups calling for a Sharia-based caliphate in Bangladesh will be influenced by the Al-Qaeda leader’s latest call and establishment of a sub-continental franchise, AQIS. This will essentially help local militants to regroup for future action. AQIS's new magazine (Resurgence) has documented why Bangladesh is a target: for extrajudicial killings under the Hasina government, atrocities of US/UK-trained Rapid Action Battalion and the rising influence of secular ideals. AQIS is invoking the story of Haji Shariatullah of the Faraizi movement (early19th century Wahabi follower)) for an Islamic revival in Bangladesh now.

Newsroom Post: How should India tackle the issue from here on?

Animesh Roul: Central authorities should take over the issue in West Bengal immediately. I believe there is a robust nexus between Bangladesh's political elites and local gangs, who must have facilitated migrations from Bangladesh and their settlement inside India. Border security and migration must be checked, and joint intelligence coordination between Dhaka and Delhi should be enhanced. Last, interrogations should reach their proper and logical end—no administrative bottlenecks, please. I believe there would be more than meets the eye.

Source: NEWSROOM POST, October 29, 2014.

Author Note
Courtesy: Newsroom Post, October 29, 2014