NASA’s Midas Touch: Parker Probe Touching The Sun

In Greek mythology, Icarus was the son of an architect called Daedalus. They wanted to escape from the island of Crete since the king had imprisoned them for sharing their secrets. Daedalus had constructed wings from birds’ moulted feathers and some other materials. He had used the beeswax for the ‘construction’ of the wings. Daedalus had warned his son that he should not fly too high. But Icarus became overambitious and flew too close to the Sun. The heat melted the wax in his wings, and he drowned in the sea.


Chasing the Moon: China's Quest to Lead the Technological Space Race

China's foray into space exploration began in the late 20th century and has experienced remarkable growth in the early 21st century. Initially, there was some criticism about China's space program, and it was often mentioned that China is reverse-engineering Russian technology. However, over some time, China has consolidated its science, technology and innovation base and found rapid progress in Space. Initially, China started with investments in arenas like launcher development, remote sensing, meteorology and communications.


Artemis Accords: Unilateralization In Space

Moon is in the news, again. The first human landing on the surface of the Moon was made possible on July 20, 1969, with the landing of Apollo 11. The last human landing on the Moon was during December 1972. The US now is proposing the next human landing on the Moon around 2024. Moon landing during the 1970s was more about the technological one-upmanship amongst the then superpowers, namely the US and USSR, but now in the 21st century, there is a visible change in the approach.