Leonie Steinl's book delves deeply into the complex roles child soldiers play during conflicts and the difficulties they face in reintegrating into society. She underscores the importance of acknowledging these children as autonomous actors to ensure they receive the dignity and respect they merit during reintegration. Adopting a transitional justice approach, the book critically examines the duality of child soldiers as both victims and perpetrators of violence, offering insights to inform transitional justice practices.
Child Soldiers as Agents of War and Peace

With a focus on decentralized operations, targeted recruitment, and grassroots radicalization exploiting local vulnerabilities, AQIS seeks to establish its Pan-India terror networks, mostly in remote places, to destabilize the country while advancing its violent jihadist ideology. This brief delves into AQIS's evolving tactics—highlighted by recent arrests (in Jharkhand and Rajasthan) to shed light on its overarching objective of gaining a foothold in India.
Foiling Extremism: India's Fight Against Al Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent's Silent Infiltration

The massive seven-phase electoral period from April 19 to June 1, 2024, was exploited by these groups to incite violence, destabilize society, challenge the Indian security apparatus, and exploit perceived fears of right-wing Hindu organizations to disrupt elections and target political leaders. While most of the plots were foiled by India’s security services and no major attacks succeeded, they contributed to a growing sense of sense of insecurity among the country’s Hindu majority.
Jihadist Threats and Propaganda Campaigns Target Indian Elections

A central theme of the book is his assertion that India must chart its path—crafting indigenous narratives, methodologies, and solutions to global challenges—rather than relying on borrowed paradigms or succumbing to external pressures.
The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World

This issue brief aims to critically assess the effectiveness of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in administering international law and delivering justice. By analyzing recent rulings, the paper aims to evaluate the Court's influence on global legal governance and its ability to address complex international disputes. It further explores key challenges the ICJ faces, such as its optional jurisdiction, lack of enforcement mechanisms, and the political considerations affecting its decisions.
Moral Policing, Public Floggings, and the Decline of Girls' Education in Taliban ruled Afghanistan
NASA’s Midas Touch: Parker Probe Touching The Sun
India-Russia “Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership” Reaches New Heights