• DEBA R MOHANTY, May 21, 2022

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on a three day trip to Europe from 2 to May 4 2022, met leaders from Germany, Denmark and France and participated in the Second Nordic Summit (the First Summit was held in 2018 in Stockholm). The visit comes when the global leaderships are trying individually and collectively to find solutions to the war in Ukraine, existent and threatening issues like climate change, increased protectionism, a further rise of religious fundamentalism, widespread economic distress, and pandemic impacts.

  • Iron Beam ADS (Israel Defense Ministry/Defense Post)
    • HARSH KUMAR UPADHAYAY, May 19, 2022

    From sensors and satellites to radars and avionics, from hi-tech drones to air defence systems and cyber weapons, Israel continues to innovate, improvise, and adapt to changing needs and compelling demands of the modern war.

  • Image Collage-Representational
    • DEBA R MOHANTY, May 09, 2022

    India's ranking as 'one of the top five global military spenders' blends symbolism and aspirations

    • DEBA R MOHANTY, April 19, 2022

    More than Putin, it is the mismanagement of West-led order that is to be blamed for the Ukrainian crisis

  • SIPRI Report
    • HARSH KUMAR UPADHAYAY, April 18, 2022

    The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recently released its report on international arms transfer. This article highlights the current state of arms transactions, including sales and procurement of defence and military equipment worldwide. It attempts to establish and underscore the patterns of the arms trade in the years spanning 2017-to 2021.

  • Modi-Morrison-Representational Image
    • DEBA R MOHANTY, April 08, 2022

    In the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Indian Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal and Australian Trade Minister Dan Tehan signed an interim trade agreement on April 2, 2022, at the signing ceremony of the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement.

  • DSR April-2022
    • DEBA R MOHANTY, April 05, 2022

    Key actors in global politics appear to be receiving conflicting signals from India's position on the Ukrainian imbroglio every passing day. A few pointers are in order for further consideration. First, India has abstained from voting against Russia at the United Nations at least twice in the past, pleasing the Russians with its tacit support. At the same time, its latest abstinence at the UN actually went against Russia, making the Russians curious about Indian intents.

  • Credit- HPN-Saiful
    • SHIVANI VAZE, March 30, 2022

    The Rohingyas, as described by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, are "one of, if not the most discriminated people in the world." Native to Myanmar's Rakhine state, Rohingyas are a stateless Muslim minority. Myanmar does not recognize them as citizens and considers them illegal immigrants. According to the Human Rights Watch, various laws in place discriminate against them, including prohibitions on their freedom of movement, education, and employment.

  • Putin-Zelenskyy
    • AJEY LELE, March 29, 2022

    The Ukraine-Russia conflict is more than one month old now, yet there is no immediate solution in sight. Just before starting the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin had given a clear-cut 'nuclear' message to the world by mentioning that any western intervention would witness consequences the West had never seen or thought of before. Putin is systematically raising the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) bogey over the last month. Traditionally, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons are classified as WMD.