• Review by Avilash Roul (August 28, 2010): The threat of Climate Change can not be resolved adequately with the existing classical security policy tools. This observation is conveyed by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)’s New Report Climate Change as a Security Risk (Earthscan, London, January 2008). The Report concludes without resolute counteraction, climate change will overstretch many societies’ adaptive capacities.

  • Review by Gazala Paul (May 30, 2009): In almost all cultures and societies, the stereotypical vision of war has been persistent; women are supposed to be the outsiders of war. War is men’s business. They go to the front, do the fighting, take the risks and make the decisions. Women stay at home, take care of the children and keep the home fires burning, waiting for their soldier husbands to come home.

  • Review by Rudra Prasad Sahoo (July 10, 2007):  The subject and the contents of the book titled South Asian Cooperation and the Role of the Punjabs (Tridivesh Singh Maini, Sidharth Publication, 2007)  provide a new dimension to the exhaustive literature on South Asia by interpreting Punjabi culture and history and their contribution to South Asian society.