• Balfour Declaration
    • S S TABRAZ, November 23, 2017

    "Palestine was ‘twice-promised’ to Jews - first by the Bible and another by the Balfour Declaration".  

    • Deba Mohanty, September 12, 2017

    Great leap forward for Indian defence necessitates resolute action from the apex.   A decade proves to be a short time for reforms in military affairs while a week is a long time in politics. However, surprise elements in Indian politics (the latest reshuffle in cabinet) notwithstanding, India appears to challenge conventional notions about military reforms, at least in initiating realms, if not in implementation and results thereafter. Results may vary but intents transcend regimes.  

  • WPR
    • Editors, WORLD POLITICS REVIEW , May 29, 2017

    As India tries to stem the flow of citizens joining the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the state of Kerala, on the southern coast, has emerged as an area of special concern. According to government statistics, more citizens have been arrested for Islamic State ties in Kerala than in any other state.

    • AJEY LELE, May 21, 2017

    The United States (US) Secretary of State Mr Rex Tillerson has just concluded his first East Asia trip with visits to Japan, South Korea and China. Today, the major security challenge which the new Trump administration faces, apart from the Islamic terrorism, is brazen approach of North Korea. Particularly, during his campaign phase Donald Trump had indicated that he would like to take a more business like attitude in regards to this region and is not keen to guarantee military cover to this region free of cost.

    • AVILASH ROUL, September 23, 2016

    The right to development of populace residing in disputed territories is being left unattended in international development discourse.

    • ANIMESH ROUL, July 03, 2016

    The series of raids by Islamic State underlines how quickly its ideology has gained traction in Bangladesh.

    • VAISHALI RAGHUVANSHI, June 30, 2016

    It can well be stated that India-Pakistan relation holds considerable significance in South Asia although the two neighbours have a checkered history of disturbed bilateral relations.

    • AVILASH ROUL, June 09, 2016

    Free for one in sovereign water and EEZ to free for all beyond EEZs both have depleted the Ocean by competing demands with increasing disputes among countries.

  • F-16 (Representational Image)
    • CHAARVI MODI, May 23, 2016

    The US Congress has recently taken a decision that inadvertently worked in favour of India. In an intrepid foreign policy decision, Congress came down heavily on the offer made by the Obama administration to Pakistan for the sale of the state-of-art, all-weather, and multi-role fighter defence equipment and refused to utilise American taxpayers’ money to fund the eight fighter jets to Pakistan.

    • AVILASH ROUL, June 29, 2016

    On April 22, Earth Day, with other 129 countries Mongolia is expected to sign the Paris Climate Change Agreement, which was adopted at COP 21 at Paris last December, in New York. While Mongolia, being the largest landlocked country with development constraints, emits a minuscule of greenhouse gases (GHG), 25 per cent of Mongolians are facing severe climate impacts. Among nearly 2.8 million total populations, more than 225,000 or 41% of the total herder population have been suffering from hostile weather conditions, including more than 28,000 children below the age of five.